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The Benefits of Greek Life in College

There are many ways to get involved in life on campus. If you're looking to complement your academic experience with exciting and challenging projects, Greek Life may be the answer for you. Fraternities and sororities provide the kind of atmosphere where personal and collective development takes center stage! You can even look at some impressive facts of fraternity men in the U.S to see how Greek life has had a positive impact on the lives of students through the years. Check this video out after the jump and see how joining a Greek chapter can bring self-gratifying results to your college experience!

How to Make Your Meetings Short, Sweet and Effective!

Not too many students enjoy calling for or attending meetings. Meetings are important as it allows all members of your student organization to speak out and it enables members to keep up with everyone's concerns, questions, challenges and news. Meeting environments should be open for anyone to share their ideas and to spread the information about anything (finances, event planning, etc.). Here are some tips, after the jump, to make your meetings as enjoyable and useful as possible!