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Positive Impact of Non-Governmental Organizations On Campus (Part 1)

Many students on campus have the willpower to improve the environment of the communities they are in but simply don't know how they can have a significant impact. There are many answers for them! One avenue could be non-governmental organizations on campus. Many local, national and international non-governmental organizations encourage students to implement campus campaigns to foster grassroot movements in the colleges they are attending. Students can decide to become eventual NGO campus ambassadors.  Often times, these students decide to go through the process of creating clubs, to represent these organizations on site.

After the jump, there are examples of non-governmental organizations that do awesome jobs on campuses around the United States of America.

1- American Red Cross - neutral humanitarian care to the victims of war

"Whether you are looking to continue your Red Cross service from high school, or excited to learn more about the Red Cross as a new service opportunity, a Red Cross campus club is a great way to do so. As a campus club you have the ability to address key national and international issues. These issues can range from helping to alleviate the ever present blood shortage in America by running a blood drive, to fighting measles in Africa or by responding to local or national disasters. A campus club allows you to address these issues in incredibly creative ways that are targeted and make sense for your community."

2- Amnesty International - end grave abuses of human rights

"There is no better way to become involved in global issues than to organize a student group on your campus. By becoming a registered student group with Amnesty International you are on your way to shining the light on human rights!"

3- Active Minds - change the conversation about mental health on college campuses

"Through campus-wide events and national programs, Active Minds aims to remove the stigma that surrounds mental health issues, and create a comfortable environment for an open conversation about mental health issues on campuses throughout North America."

4- Autism Speaks - dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism

"Launched in 2008, Autism Speaks U is a program designed to support college students in their awareness, advocacy and fundraising efforts for Autism Speaks. It is an exciting and collaborative way for students to get involved with Autism Speaks and support their local autism community."

5- Colleges Against Cancer - eliminate cancer

"Colleges Against Cancer gives students the opportunity to bring the fight against cancer to the campus, while receiving support and guidance from a local Society office.  With currently more than 450 chapters nationwide, thousands of college students are making an impact on their campuses and the surrounding communities.  Cities are becoming smoke-free, legislation protecting cancer patients is being passed, and hundreds of thousands of college students across the country are learning cancer education and prevention information - knowledge that will promote a cancer-free future.  But, there is still much to be done, and we invite you to join in our efforts to eliminate cancer by starting a CAC chapter on your campus."

6- Habitat for Humanities - a world where everyone has a decent place to live

"A campus chapter is a student-led, student-initiated organization on a high school or college campus that partners with the local Habitat for Humanities affiliate to fulfill the four functions of a campus chapter: building, fundraising, advocating and educating."

7- Humanity First - to serve disaster struck and socially disadvantaged individuals

"Our projects are rooted in a community deeply affected by a natural disaster, war, or poverty. After the relief phase of the project has subsided, Humanity First works with the community to identify viable opportunities for growth and recovery."

8- International Rescue Committee - responds to the world’s worst crises

"The International Rescue Committee is exactly as it sounds: a group of people from around the world who have pledged their time and resources to rescuing people in peril. When you help the IRC, you help the persecuted and displaced, survivors of war and disaster, refugees struggling to start anew. You extend our reach…and send a message of hope to millions."

1 comment:

  1. Live each day as if it were your last, but learn from each day as if you will live forever.
