Tuesday, February 26, 2013
CAMPUS ORGANIZATION OF THE WEEK: Office of Community Engagement at Eastern Washington University
This week the Campus Organization of the Week Award goes to….the Office of Community Engagement at Eastern Washington University!
The Office of Community Engagement at Eastern Washington University's mission goes as follows: "Connecting EWU to the wider community though meaningful, reciprocal partnerships in order to enrich student learning, address critical community need and foster a culture of civic responsibility and community engagement." We chose them as our winners this week because of their innovative ways of fundraising to benefit the victims of the Sandy Hook tragedy. They launched a campaign on February 14th called 26 Days of Kindness. According to their Facebook page the point of the campaign is to “honor the lives lost at Sandy Hook Elementary”.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
6 Tips for Effective Studying During Midterms
Woody Allen once said that 80 per cent of success is just showing up. He might not have been talking about college life at the time, but it certainly applies. It’s no secret that students who show up to class, do all of the readings, and study every week will have an easier time of things come exam season, but let’s be honest here, sometimes life just gets in the way. Maybe you have a job, maybe you have bad time management skills, or maybe you just thought you could wing it, but one way or another, many a student has found themselves in the unfortunate position of having to learn a large amount of material in a small amount of time. Luckily for all of you last minute studiers out there, we here at OOHLALA are dedicated to improving your college experience in every way we can. We can’t take your test for you, of course, but we can do the next best thing: get you ready. Follow these six simple study rules, and you’ll be rocking those midterms in no time.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
CAMPUS ORGANIZATION OF THE WEEK: Admissions Office at the University of Evansville

Last weekend, when this year's Road Trip took place, students considering attending the University of Evansville piled into buses at almost 40 different pick-up spots, some as far away as Alabama, and made their way over to Evansville. UE even generously offered to reimburse potential students half the cost of a plan ticket (up to 150$) if they lived outside the bus pick-up zone and had to fly in for the weekend event. Upon arriving on campus, they were paired with current students and introduced to a slew of different activities that are typical to life at the University of Evansville, including mock classes, sporting events, theater productions, trips to the mall, and more. So kudos to UE's admissions office for their creativity and contribution to student life! Congratulations!
If you’re interested in nominating a campus organization at your college: contact us on our Facebook page, tweet us @OOHLALAMobile using the hashtag #COOTW or send us an e-mail to [email protected].
Monday, February 18, 2013
Deux Étudiants de l’IAE Aix Déploient l’Appli Mobile OOHLALA en France !
Demain, une énorme chasse au trésor virtuelle sera lancée sur le campus de la fac de Lettres d'Aix'Ode pour le lancement de l'application sur leur campus. Voici comment Cécile Bolliet de l'IAE d'Aix Graduate School of Management décrit le lancement de l'application en France:
"L’application OOHLALA organise sa première chasse au trésor virtuelle sur un campus de plus de 20 000 étudiants.
Le 19 février 2013 à 12h00, un trésor virtuel sera lâché au sein de la fac de Lettres. Les étudiants qui possèdent l’application mobile peuvent le capturer en s’approchant à moins de 50 mètres de celui-ci grâce au principe de la géolocalisation. La personne qui aura eu le trésor en sa possession le plus longtemps d’ici au 21 février 2013 à 17h00 remportera un iPad.
Damien Tarrio (MSc 2 International Business) et Keivan Rassouli-Hermand (MSc 2 Marketing & Brand Management) ont décidé de s’attaquer au problème complexe de la « surcommunication » sur les réseaux sociaux ainsi que sur leurs boites mails, où l’information de leur université est difficilement identifiable, car complément diluée dans les multiples notifications, messages et spams.
De retour en France, Damien décide de combiner études et projet professionnel, afin de déployer OOHLALA dans son école. Avec l’ambition qu’à court terme toutes les universités de France puissent proposer cette application mobile innovante et efficace à leurs étudiants.
Il s’associe à Keivan, copain de promotion de MSc1 spécialisé en marketing, pour démarrer OOHLALA sur son campus, se servant de l’IAE Aix comme laboratoire.
Pour se faire connaitre, ils lancent une chasse au trésor virtuelle à l’IAE Aix le 27 novembre 2012.
« J’ai eu la chance de participer à la chasse au trésor OOHLALA à l’IAE Aix, c’était la 1ère en France! Le concept nous a surpris mais tous les jours nous étions plus nombreux sur l’application. Au final, presque tous les élèves y ont adhéré. Aujourd’hui je m’en sers pour m’inscrire aux événements, rentrer en voiture dans le centre d’Aix. On va souvent profiter des réductions chez les commerçants partenaires aussi, ça vaut vraiment le coup » Lucie, étudiante en MSc 2 International Business à l’IAE Aix."
Prenez part au lancement d'OOHLALA en France! L'application est disponible gratuitement sur iPhone dans le App Store et sur Android dans Google Play! Pour télécharger l'application, visitez http://www.gotoohlala.com!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
CAMPUS ORGANIZATION OF THE WEEK: Bobcat Build at Texas StateUniversity, San Marcos
This week the Campus Organization of the Week Award goes to….Bobcat Build at Texas State University, San Marcos!
We chose them as our winner this week because of their commitment to the San Marcos community and their proven ability to instill these values in their fellow students. Often as students you forget about the community that lives around you, that was there before you moved in and will be there long after you move away. Students might take advantage of the fact that they are living away from home for the first time and might not show the same respect to their host community as they would to the one they grew up in. Many universities and colleges struggle with trying to create a solution to this that benefits both sides.
Texas State University located in San Marcos has come up with an amazing solution that has grown in popularity year after year. They created Bobcat Build. This is a day each year when students, staff and faculty from TSU come together to give back to the community. Patrick Rose, a Texas State Representative said "It is the single most, direct expression of the university's commitment to the community". The main purpose of this day is to thank the community for hosting the students. They started with about 100 volunteers and in the seven years it has existed it’s grown to over 3000 volunteers and almost 200 job sites. It is the second largest service day in the state of Texas!
We want to commend the Bobcat Build planning committee and Texas State University for finding a way to really help build a relationship between the students and the local community.
If you’re interested in nominating a campus organization at your college: contact us on our Facebook page, tweet us @OOHLALAMobile using the hashtag #COOTW or send us an e-mail to [email protected].
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