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9 Unbelievable Facts About College Spring Break

It's that time of the year again! Spring Break is upon us.

Originally, the first official collegiate "Spring Break" in the United States occurred in 1935 at the College Swim Forum. The event allowed swim teams from universities in the Northeast to travel to the Fort Lauderdale, Florida to train for competition. By 1938, more than 300 college swimmers took part in the event! As the event gained in popularity, marketing opportunities were sensed by movie makers of Hollywood and travel agencies. The phenomenon caught fire!

Today, Spring Break rhymes best with partying, relaxing on wonderful beaches, meeting new people and more partying. College students from around the world travel south, mostly to cities like Panama City (Florida), South Padre Island and Cancun (Mexico), to spend care-free time with other college students. While Spring Break itself is very well known in popular culture for its debauchery ways, some facts about it are still pretty unknown to most. At OOHLALA, we encourage students to connect anytime, anywhere using their mobile phones and Spring Break is the perfect environment to create and foster these relationships. To help students make the most of the time they will spend with fellow college students on vacation, we decided to create a list of incredible facts about Spring Break. This way, you'll know what to expect when you get there:

1- About 2.1 million students participate in Spring Break.

2- 70% of men and 19% of women plan on having sex with a stranger.

3- Between Texas and Florida, students will spend $1 billion on Spring Break.

4- On average, students will spend $1,100 on Spring Break.

5- 60% of party go-ers have run-ins with police.

6- 50% of all sexual encounters are unprotected and unplanned.

7- Hurricane Katrina jump-started a big volunteer oriented spring break fad. Approximately 35,000 U.S. youth participated in an alternative/ service oriented Spring Break in 2006.

8- 2,600 Americans are arrested on Spring Break overseas each year.

9- 60% of students get injured while on Spring Break.

We're far from the College Swim Forum of 1935! Which fact impressed you the most?


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